Bachelor’s studies

At Bachelor’s level the main language of study is Estonian, with some courses in English.

The Bachelor’s curriculum of Theology offers students a choice between two major specialist fields: Theology and Religious Studies.

Studies in Theology follow the classical pattern with ancient languages (Latin, Greek, and Hebrew), biblical studies, church history, practical theology, systematic theology etc. included. Although theology is mainly taught from a Protestant perspective, it is oecumenical and students can have courses in Orthodox and Catholic theology too.

The School of Theology and Religious Studies is marked by its openness: members of academic staff and students can have different religious affiliations or none at all. In systematic theology the emphasis is on the relationship of religion and science.

Religious Studies is the other major specialty of the BA programme in Theology. Besides general introductory courses on religious studies and world religions ( including Judaism, Islam, Indian, Chinese and Japanese religions, contemporary religious situations and new spirituality), students can also focus on Near East religions, starting with the Arabic language or even with the cuneiform texts of Ancient Babylonia and Sumer. In addition, the religious studies specialty offers the additional possibility of studying Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and the contemporary religious movements more thoroughly.

Both specialist fields are taught in an interdisciplinary environment. Part of the curriculum is shared with all the other institutes of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. This means that as part of the studies, students also can take courses from history, philosophy, literature, anthropology, semiotics and others. Students of religious studies can also choose a minor speciality from other curricula (psychology and history have been the most popular thus far).

Students from other institutes can choose three options as a minor speciality: world religions, religions for teachers and theology.

For exchange studies see the courses taught in English.

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