Doctoral Dissertations

Digitized Dissertations on DSpace at University of Tartu, starting from 2012.

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Author Title Degree Supervisor
Imar Yacine Koutchoukali

"Our ʿirbīt is not like your ʿarabiyya" – Linguistic and socio-political change in late antique South Arabia (550 – 850 AD)"

Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

Associate Professor A. Annus

Doctor P. A. Webb

Doctor I. Gajda

Helen Haas Alevis in Contemporary Izmir: Imaginaries, Beliefs and Practices regarding Hacı Bektaş Veli Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

Doctor E. Süld

Professor C. Raudvere

Iakov Kadochnikov Deification of Kings in Ancient Mesopotamia (from III to II Millennium BC) Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

Associate professor A. Annus

prof V. V. Emelianov

Author Title Degree Supervisor
Helle Kaasik Sacred Medicine from the Forest: Chemical, Psychological and Spiritual Aspects of Ayahuasca Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

Associate professor L. Altnurme

prof K. Kreegipuu

Hedi Vilumaa Open Communion of the Word and Eucharist. Admission of baptized children and young people to Holy Communion: Contexts and Conceptions in Estonian Lutheran Church 1917– 2005 Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) prof R. Altnurme
Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye Transcendence, as a theme in Theology and technology Doctor of Philosophy (Theology) prof A. Kull
Author   Title Degree  Supervisor
Silja Härm Professional choices of Estonian upper secondary school Religious
Education teachers in teaching Religious Education 
Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) Associate professor O. Schihalejev
Triin Käpp Christian Values Education in Christian Schools and the Role of the Christian
Schools in Estonian Society in 21. Century
Doctor of Philosophy (Theology) Associate professor O. Schihalejev
Author Title Degree Supervisor
Tiina-Erika Friedenthal Quarrels and Disputes Regarding Theatrical Performances in Estonia and Livonia at the End of the 18th and Beginning of the 19th Century Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

Associate professor L. Lukas

Associate professor U. Petti

Liina Kilemit Reasons for Joining Christian Congregations Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) Senior Research Fellow L. Altnurme
Author Title Degree Supervisor
Indrek Peedu Positioning the Scholar: Issues of Epistemology and Methodology in the Evolutionary Study of Religion Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) lector R. Karo
Andreas Johandi The God Asar/Asalluḫi in the Early Mesopotamian Pantheon Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

prof T. Kulmar

Senior Research Fellow
P. Espak

Senior Research Fellow V. Sazonov
Ege Lepa The Dynamics of Estonian Islamic Community since the Restoration of Independence Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

prof T. Kulmar

dr Ringo Ringvee

Author Title Degree Supervisor
Liidia Meel Interdisciplinary Team Based Pastoral Care Model for Estonian Healthcare Institutions Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) prof T.Lehtsaar
Marju Lepajõe Pastors and Written Culture: On the Variations of Christian Humanism in Estonia and Livonia in the First Half of the 17th Century Doctor of Philosophy (Theology) prof A. Kull
Author Title Degree Supervisor
Liina Eek Catechesis and Beliefs among Contemporary Estonian-Speaking Orthodox Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies) Senior Research Fellow L. Altnurme







Marko Uibu

Religiosity as cultural toolbox: a study of Estonian new spirituality

Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

Senior Research Fellow L. Altnurme







Erki Lind

The Concept of the Body in Chinese and Indian Bodily Practices: Transformation, Perspective, and Ethics

Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

prof T. Kulmar







Mart Jaanson

A grammatical, theological and musical analysis of the
standard Latin Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed (in Estonian)

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

Associate professor U. Petti

prof M. Humal

Elo Süld

Muhammad, der Gesandte Gottes, und Paulus, der Gesandte Christi. Ein Vergleich der Berufungs- und offenbarungsgeschichtlichen Vorstellungen mit Bezug auf die islamische sowie die biblische Tradition

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

PhD P. Roosimaa,

prof S. Schreiner







Raul Tiganik

Social control and religion (in Estonian)

Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Studies)

prof A. Kull







Maire Latvala

Congregational pastoral care according to the example of four Estonian denominations (in Estonian)

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

prof T. Lehtsaar

Priit Rohtmets

Theological Factions in the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church 1917–1934 (in Estonian)

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

 prof R. Altnurme







Ain Riistan

The Historical Jesus: the Problem of Science in the Context of Religion (in Estonian)

doctor theologiae

 prof A. Kull, prof P. Torop

Kaarina Rein

Medicine at the Gymnasium and University of Tartu from 1630 to 1656. Medical Disputations, Orations and their Authors  (in Estonian)

Doctor of Philosophy (Religious Anthropology)

PhD A.Tering, prof A.Kull

Anu Põldsam

 Lazar Gulkowitsch – eine vergessene Stimme der Wissenschaft des Judentums. Seine Tätigkeit, sein Werk und seine Wirkung im zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

 prof K. Kasemaa

Atko-Sulhan Remmel

Anti-religious struggle in Estonian SSR in 1957–1990. Main institutions and their activities  (in Estonian)

doctor theologiae

 prof R. Altnurme

Ringo Ringvee

State and Religion in Post-Soviet Estonia 1991–2008  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof T. Kulmar, prof R. Altnurme







Piret Lotman

Heinrich Stahl's activities in the Swedish Baltic provinces in the first half of the seventeenth century  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof R.Altnurme

Ingmar Kurg

The Perspectives of Ecumenical Evangelization in Europe: a Missiological and Religio-sociological Study  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 Associate professor U. Petti, prof A. Laats

Peeter Espak

 The God Enki in Sumerian Royal Ideology and Mythology

Doctor of Philosophy (Theology)

 prof Th.Kämmerer, prof T.Kulmar







Roland Karo

Eros & Mysticism. Are Mystical States of Consciousness Evolutionary Byproducts of Sexual Response?  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Anne Kull

Olga Schihalejev

 Estonian Young People, Religion and Religious Diversity: Personal Views and the Role of the School

 doctor theologiae

 Associate professor Pille Valk, prof Robert Jackson

Jaan Lahe

 Gnosis und Judentum. Alttestamentliche und jüdische Motive in der gnostischen Literatur und das Ursprungsproblem der Gnosis

 doctor theologiae

PhD P. Roosimaa, PhD K. Rudolph, PhD H.-G. Bethge







Andrei Sõtšov

The Estonian Orthodox Eparchy under the Influence of the Soviet Religious Policies in 1954–1964  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Riho Altnurme

Meelis Friedenthal

The Tractatus moralis de oculo of the Tallinn City Archives  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 Associate professor Urmas Petti







Veiko Vihuri

Hugo Bernhard Rahamägi, the second Bishop of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church 1934–1939  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Riho Altnurme

Kaido Soom

Adult confirmation in the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Tõnu Lehtsaar







Vasyl Vepruk

 Феномен аскетизма в религиозной жизни человечества. Системно-сравнительный анализ модификаций аскезы с позиций Святого Православия

 doctor theologiae

 prof Tarmo Kulmar

Dace Balode

Gottesdienst in Korinth

 PhD (Theology)

 Associate professor Peeter Roosimaa

Aira Võsa

Johann Georg Gichtel - a supporter of the Theosophical Idea in the Early Modern Europe  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 Associate professor Urmas Petti

Lea Altnurme

From Christianity to own belief. A study about the changes in the religiosity of the Estonians in the 2nd half of the 20th century  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Tarmo Kulmar







Einike Pilli

A Holistic concept of Lifelong learning in the context of Estonian Protestant Churches  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Tõnu Lehtsaar

Tõnis Nõmmik

The Military Chaplain Service in Estonia  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Tarmo Kulmar







Peeter Roosimaa

About the Estonian translations of the New Testament and about exegesis-supporting translating  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof dr Toomas Paul, Associate professor Anne Kull, PhD







Pille Valk

The concept of religious education for Estonian schools  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof dr Tõnu Lehtsaar, prof dr Markku Pyysiäinen

Ilmars Hiršs-Iršs

 Ein Volk aus Juden und Heiden. Der ekklesiologische Beitrag des Ersten Petrusbriefes zum christlich-jüdischen Gespräch

 doctor theologiae

 prof dr Folker Siegert







Riho Altnurme

The Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Soviet state, 1944-1949  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof dr Tarmo Kulmar, prof M. Lamberijts

Arne Hiob

The main features of the philosophy of religion of Uku Masing  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof dr Alar Laats







Kalle Kasemaa

About semitic studies and poetics  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae








Tarmo Kulmar

The theology of the earliest stratum of Estonian power, god and soul beliefs  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

 prof Jaan Puhvel, prof Alfred Rupp

Toomas Paul

The history of Estonian Bible translation. Part I (XVI to XIX century)  (in Estonian)

 doctor theologiae

Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences Juhan Kahk