Research Projects

The most relevant and predominant research fields of the recent period include the history of ancient Middle-Eastern religions, science and religion, Estonian church history, and modern religious trends. Cooperation is supported by the Research Group on the History of Church and Religion in Estonia and the Collegium of Science and Religion, both founded at the theological faculty. In addition to these main research areas, notable contributions have been made in the study of the Old and New Testaments, psychology of religion, the study of Inca religion, Islamic studies, Judaic studies, classical systematic theology, practical theology, and religious education.

The list of ongoing and completed projects in Estonian Research Information System.

Ongoing research projects at the School of Theology and Religious Studies

The Emergence of the Biblical Book of Job on the Backdrop of the so-called Job Literature

Period: 01.01.2020–31.12.2024

Estonian Research Council PRG938

Principal investigator: Urmas Nõmmik

Project website

Orthodoxy as Solidarity: an Examination of Popular and Conciliar Orthodoxy in the Baltic Provinces and Independent Estonia, 1890s-1930s

Period: 01.01.2022–31.12.2026

Estonian Research Council PRG1599

Principal investigator: Irina Paert

Project website

Compilation and Publication of a Book on Japan-Estonia Relations

Period: 01.10.2023–20.12.2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS23577

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

ReConnect China: Generating Independent Knowledge for a Resilient Future with China for Europe and its Citizens

Period: 01.11.2022–31.10.2026

European Commission MHVUS22427R (101061483)

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Completed research projects at the School of Theology and Religious Studies

Russia and China's Influence in Central Asia: Europe's Prospects, Concerns and Search for Balance

Period: 05.07.2023–05.07.2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS23368

Principal investigators: Elo Süld, Alevtina Solovyeva

China's and India's Foreign Policy and Sustainable Development in the New Geopolitical Context

Period: 05.07.2023–05.07.2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS23369

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Patristilised piibli ja piibli tõlgendamise sissejuhatused (introductiones)

Period: 01.09.2022–31.08.2024

Estonian Research Council STP4

Principal investigator: Tarmo Toom

The impact of the Ukrainian War on Geopolitical Developments in South Asia. Analysis in Collaboration with Singaporean Researchers

Period: 23.05.2022–19.04.2023

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS22284

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

The Political, Economic and Cultural Role of Asia for Northern and Eastern Europe

Period: 18.04.2022–17.04.2023

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS22211

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Development of Tartu University's Research Cooperation with Singaporean Universities and Companies

Period: 16.09.2022–09.12.2022

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS22456

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Religion and Gender Equality: Baltic and Nordic Developments (ReliGen)

Period: 01.01.2021–31.12.2023

Research Council of Lithuania, EAA and Norway Grants MHVUS21035

Principal investigator: Anne Kull

Project website

Methodological and Theoretical Foundations for Cross-disciplinary Cooperation and Compatibility in the Study of Religion

Period: 01.03.2021–28.02.2023

Estonian Research Council PUTJD1020

Principal investigator: Indrek Peedu

Orthodoxy as Solidarity: an Examination of Popular and Conciliar Orthodoxy in Estonia During the 'long 20th century'

Period: 01.01.2021–31.12.2021

Estonian Research Council PRG1274

Principal investigator: Irina Paert

Compilation of a Book on the History of Estonian-Japanese Relations

Period: 16.04.2020–29.02.2024

Ministry of Foreign Affairs SHVUS20231

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Disengagement and Desistance: A Systematic Review

Period: 01.02.2020–31.07.2020

Centre for Research and Evidence on Security Threats

Principal investigator: Heidi Maiberg

Ofthodoxy as Solidarity: an Exarnination of Popular and Conciliar Orthodoxy (the Case-Study of the Baltic Provinces and Independent Estonia, 1891-1940 in a Comparative Perspective)

Period: 01.02.2019–31.01.2020

University of Tartu, Basic Research PHVUS18916

Principal investigator: Irina Paert

Seeing Through Numbers: Counting and Mapping Religious Communities in the Baltic Provinces, 1840-1914

Period: 01.09.2019–31.08.2021

Estonian Research Council MOBJD517

Principal investigator: Catherine Helen Gibson

Tackling Sensitive Issues in Classroom (SensiClass)

Period: 31.12.2019–30.08.2022

Archimedes Foundation, Erasmus DHVUS19670

Principal investigator: Elo Süld

Project website

Religious Toleration and Peace (RETOPEA)

Period: 01.05.2018–30.10.2022

European Commission, Horizon 2020 Programme MHVUS18050R

Principal investigator: Lea Altnurme

Project website

Understanding Unbelief in Estonia

Period: 01.04.2018–30.06.2019

John Templeton Foundation MHVUS18229

Principal investigator: Atko-Sulhan Remmel

An Effect of Mindfulness-based Intervention of Silent Minutes on the Students of Secondary School: Their Capacity of Attention, Difficulties in Emotion Regulation, Behavior and Level of Stress

Period: 25.01.2018–31.12.2021

NGO Vaikuseminutid LHVUS18115

Principal investigator: Kristel Põder

Forms of Creativity in the Intellectual History of Ancient Mesopotamia

Period: 01.01.2017–31.12.2020

Estonian Research Council PUT1466

Principal investigator: Amar Annus

Replenishment of Basic Definitions in the Glossary of Religious Studies

Period: 01.03.2017–31.12.2017

Estonian Association for Applied Linguistics SHVUS17273

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Altar and Classroom: the Orthodox Schools in the Baltic Provinces 1870-1914

Period: 01.01.2014–31.12.2017

Estonian Research Council PUT428

Principal investigator: Irina Paert

The Ancient Near Eastern Creation Mythology and the Structural Developments of the Pantheon: Diachronical Analysis from the Earliest Sources to the First Dynasty of Babylon

Period: 01.01.2014–31.12.2017

Estonian Research Council PUT500

Principal investigator: Peeter Espak

Cultural and Religious Diversity in Primary School

Period: 2014–2017

Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies

Principal investigator: Olga Schihalejev

Contextual Factors of Young People's Attitudes and Convictions in Relation to Religion and Religious Diversity

Period: 01.01.2012–31.12.2015

Estonian Research Council ETF9108

Principal investigator: Olga Schihalejev

Formal and Theological Markers of Religious Groups in the Late Old Testament and Related Literature

Period: 01.01.2012–31.12.2015

Estonian Research Council ETF9279

Principal investigator: Urmas Nõmmik

Ecumenical Commission of Theological Terminology

Period: 01.07.2011–31.12.2011

Estonian Terminology Society SUSUS11101

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Secularization (de-Institutionalization and de-Christianization): Religion in Estonia from the Modern Period to the Present

Period: 01.01.2011–31.12.2016

Ministry of Education and Research SF0180026s11

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Uku Masing's and Arthur Võõbus' Scientific Heritage

Period: 2011–2015

University of Tartu

Principal investigators: Urmas Nõmmik, Amar Annus

Teaching Religion and Thinking Education at the Baltic-Barent Brim

Period: 2010–2014

Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies

Principal investigator: Olga Schihalejev

Project website

Mapping and Research of the Historical-Cultural Heritage of the Estonian Exile Churches in North American Archives, part 1, 2, 3 and 4

Period: 2010–2014

Ministry of Education and Research, National Archives of Estonia

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Religion in Biocultural Paradigm

Period: 2009–2013

Metanexus Institute

Principal investigator: Anne Kull

Religious dimension of Societal and Cultural Processes in Estonian Recent History

Period: 2009–2010

University of Tartu

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory

Period: 01.02.2008–31.08.2015

Archimedes Foundation RFLAJTIPP

Principal investigators: Anne Kull, Riho Altnurme, Pille Valk †

War and Religion in Near Eastern Cultures: Development of the Concept of Holy War from the Earliest Mesopotamian Cultures to Modern Day Islam

Period: 01.01.2008–31.12.2011

Estonian Science Foundation ETF7712

Principal investigator: Thomas Kämmerer

History of Estonian Ecumenism

Period: 15.05.2007–31.12.2009

Estonian Council of Churches SUSUS07089

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Early Christianity in the Context of the Late Antiquity and its Impact on Today

Period: 01.01.2006–31.12.2008

Estonian Science Foundation ETF6754

Principal investigator: Peeter Roosimaa

The Relations Between Religion and the State in Early Totalitarian Society

Period: 01.01.2006–31.12.2009

Estonian Science Foundation ETF6626

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Cultural Interactions and Religious Influences in the Near East and the Mediterranean Region in the First Millennium BC

Period: 01.01.2006–31.12.2009

Estonian Science Foundation ETF6625

Principal investigator: Amar Annus

The Relations between the Church and the State in Estonia on the 20th Century

Period: 01.01.2006–31.12.2009

Estonian Science Foundation ETF6624

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Religion in Education. A contribution to Dialogueor a factor of Conflict in Transforming Societies of European Countries

Period: 01.03.2006–28.02.2009

European Commission 6. Framework Programme (FP6) MUSUS06024R

Principal investigator: Pille Valk †

Dialogue of Religion and Science

Period: 2006–2007

University of Tartu

Principal investigator: Anne Kull

Theology in Tartu in 19th Century: The Role of Theological Faculty of the Imperial University of Tartu in Estonian Church and Cultural History

Period: 01.01.2005–31.12.2008

Estonian Science Foundation ETF6042

Principal investigator: Urmas Petti †

Religiosity Dynamics in Civilisation

Period: 01.01.2003–31.12.2007

Ministry of Education and Research SF0182580s03

Principal investigator: Kalle Kasemaa

Theoretical and Practical Problems of Religious Education in Estonian Schools

Period: 01.01.2004–31.12.2007

Estonian Science Foundation ETF5839

Principal investigator: Pille Valk †

Religion in Totalitarian States of Ancient and Medieval Times

Period: 01.01.2003–31.12.2005

Estonian Science Foundation ETF5374

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Religion ja Totalitarism in Estonian Recent Histrory

Period: 01.01.2003–31.12.2007

Ministry of Education and Research SF0182580s03

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Structure and Development of Theological and Religious Vocabulary in Estonian

Period: 01.01.2002–31.12.2005

Estonian Science Foundation ETF5292

Principal investigator: Siret Rutiku

History of Estonian Theological Thought

Period: 01.01.2002–31.12.2005

Estonian Science Foundation ETF5194

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Homiletics in the Perspective of Communication Theory

Period: 01.01.2002–31.12.2004

Estonian Science Foundation ETF5238

Principal investigator: Tõnu Lehtsaar

Churches and European Integration

Period: 2001–2004

European Commission FP5

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Soviet state 1950–1969

Period: 2001–2004

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Development of a Modern Concept of Religious Education for Estonian General Education Schools

Period: 01.01.2001–31.12.2002

Estonian Research Council ETF4634

Principal investigator: Pille Valk †

The Role of Religion in Ancient Totalitarian States (Based on the Example of the Inca State)

Period: 01.01.2001–31.12.2002

Estonian Research Council ETF4893

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Proportional Attitudes: Attributed Objectivity

Period: 2000–2001

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Jaan Kivistik

Christology in Lutheran and Eastern Orthodox Theology

Period: 01.01.1999–31.12.2002

Estonian Research Council ETF3997

Principal investigator: Alar Laats

The History and Modern Influence of the Dorpat School of the Psychology of Religion

Period: 1999–2000

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Tõnu Lehtsaar

Socio-Cultural Functions of Religion

Period: 01.01.1998–31.12.2003

Ministry of Education and Research SF0180408s98

Principal investigator: Kalle Kasemaa

Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church and the Soviet State 1944–1949

Period: 1999–2000

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Riho Altnurme

Development of a Methodology of Pastoral Diagnostics

Period: 1997–1998

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Tõnu Lehtsaar

The Structure and Development of the Religion of Ancient Peru from the Chavin Culture to the Beginning of the 16th Century

Period: 1996–1997

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

Changes in Estonian Religion Through Communication with Indo-European Nations

Period: 1994

Estonian Research Council

Principal investigator: Tarmo Kulmar

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