Refugee crises in Europe in the 20th century: history lessons for today’s world

Anu Põldsam

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022, almost 3.9 million refugees have left Ukraine, while an estimated 6.5 million people have been internally displaced.

On Thursday 7 April, from 14:00-15:30, Prof Peter Gatrell will give an online talk to the University of Tartu community on the history of refugees in twentieth-century Europe to help us understand the current Ukraine refugee crisis in a broader historical perspective.

Peter Gatrell is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester and a historian of population displacement in the modern world. He leads the AHRC-funded project Reckoning with Refugeedom, 1919-75: Refugee Voices in Modern History and his latest book, The Unsettling of Europe: the Great Migration, 1945-the present (2019; paperback, 2021), won the Time Literary Supplement Book of the Year award in 2019.

The event is being organised within the framework of the research project Orthodoxy as Solidarity: An examination of popular and conciliar Orthodoxy in the Baltic provinces and independent Estonia, funded by the Estonian Research Council (PRG 1599). The event will be moderated by Irina Paert from the School of Theology & Religious Studies and PI of the project.

To participate, please register to receive the Zoom link. The event will be recorded and subsequently made available on the School of Theology & Religious Studies Youtube channel.

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