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Books edited by Riho Altnurme are now available in a cheaper paperback version

"Old Religion, New Spirituality: Implications of Secularisation and Individualisation in Estonia", first published in hardcover in 2021, and "Religious diversity in Europe: Mediating the past to the young", first published in 2022, are now available in softcover!

"Religious diversity in Europe: Mediating the past to the young" (Bloomsbury) shows how knowledge of Europe's complex religious history is conveyed to young people through various media - textbooks, museums, internet materials, and politicians' speeches. In the project of the European Commission, which involved many countries, Estonia was also studied, and here both the employees of the University of Tartu and the students of the Tartu Treffner Gymnasium participated. The book contains a case study of the attitude of participants in the new spirituality movement in Estonia towards other religions.
"Old Religion, New Spirituality: Implications of Secularisation and Individualisation in Estonia" (Brill) mediates the development of Estonia throughout history into a country known as secular and looks at today's individualized local religious life against this background, offering explanations and justifications for these developments. All authors have been affiliated with the School of Theology and Religious Studies.
These books are of interest to people who want to get to the deeper causes of seemingly self-evident phenomena and to study the influence of historical development on the formation of the world today. The reader need not necessarily be a specialist in religious studies or Estonian history. Intended for an international reader, the Estonian topics include introductions to the knowledge taken for granted by the Estonian reader, while all local phenomena are placed in a broader, primarily European, context. From a book about religious diversity, the reader gets a pan-European comparative picture of the portrayal of the place of religion in history.

ESITIS konverents

ESITIS 2024 - keynote speakers' presentations are now available on YouTube!

Doctoral defence: Üllas Linder "Adam Reinhold Schiewe. Biography of the Founder of the First Estonian Baptist Congregation"

10. juunil kell 16.15 kaitseb Üllas Linder religiooniuuringute erialal doktoritööd „Adam Reinhold Schiewe. Esimese Eesti baptistikoguduse rajaja elulugu“.
Kadri Voorand

Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu