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Memorandum of Cooperation Signed Between Volos Academy, Estonian Orthodox Church, and School of Theology and Religious Studies

In a significant development, the School of Theology and Religious Studies, represented by Roland Karo, Head of the School, the Volos Academy for Theological Studies, represented by its Director, Pantelis Kalaitzidis, the Estonian Orthodox Church through its Theological Institute, represented by Tauri Tölpt on behalf of His Eminence Stefanos, Metropolitan of Estonia, signed a memorandum of cooperation today.

The primary objective of this memorandum is to foster academic and educational collaboration, furthering mutual understanding among these organizations. This cooperation will involve the exchange of researchers, students, doctoral candidates, professors, researchers, and other research and administrative staff. The parties will also share books, journals, and copies of archival materials. Additionally, there will be information exchange on ongoing projects, available scholarships, grants, and joint perspectives regarding funding opportunities. The memorandum paves the way for the joint organization of events, scientific conferences, seminars, fieldwork, workshops, publications, and the promotion of various academic collaborations.

Signing of a memorandum of cooperation.

This memorandum formalizes a long-standing collaboration that recently intensified with the launch of the educational program, "The Orthodox Church and Contemporary Challenges," in September 2023. The program carried out in cooperation with the three organizations, delves into pressing issues of the modern era, including the ecological crisis and ecotheology, spirituality and the "New Age," nationalism, etnophyletism, and imperialist theological-political narratives, as well as the intersection of psychology, psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, and theology.

The President of Estonia, Alar Karis, highlighted this program during his meeting with His All-Holiness the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who visited Estonia in late September. The signing ceremony of the memorandum of cooperation was attended by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Volos Academy, His Eminence Ignatius (Georgakopoulos), Metropolitan of Demetrias and His Eminence Grigorios (Papathomas), Metropolitan of Peristeri and Member of the Board of Directors of the Volos Academy.

The signing of the memorandum concluded with a symbolic exchange of gifts between the Greek and Estonian delegations, marking a significant step towards strengthening academic ties and fostering cooperation among these institutions.

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