Science and Religion

Religion and science has been one of the research fields at the School of Theology and Religious Studies since the beginning of the 21st century. But strong discussions on the topic started earlier than this – the Tartu tradition of linking biology and theology for example – Karl Ernst von Baer and theologians of his time (19th century), Uku Masing, and theoretical biologists (20th century).

In 2002, the Collegium of Science and Religion was founded, with the main aim of promoting research, and organising interdisciplinary courses, seminars, and conferences in this field.

Contrary to established views, there is a long evolving history of interpreting and integrating scientific insights into religious traditions. Every world religion is now a seedbed for religion and science, and like every other area, the field includes every shade of opinion. It is no secret that our philosophies and theologies about nature actually inform the interpretation of our science.

Science and religion can be called a spiritual practice, finding the best fit with the world, finding the proper niche for human projects. It is more than either religion alone as it is commonly understood, or science alone as it is commonly practiced.

The main interest areas in recent years have been in neuroscience, sexology and theology (Roland Karo), the psychology of religion and bringing together scientists who are Christians (Tõnu Lehtsaar), science, technology and nature (Anne Kull), and religiosity and irreligiosity in science (Enn Kasak, Atko Remmel) etc.

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