Topic: studies

ReproducibiliTea journal club
. ReproTea is a journal club started at the Oxford University in 2018. The goal is to discuss diverse issues, papers and ideas about improving science, reproducibility and the Open Science movement.
02. November 2022 studiesresearch
Graduate School of Humanities (HUMA) Autumn School
Kutsume Sind osalema Humanitaarteaduste magistrikooli (HUMA) sügiskoolis - tudengikonverentsil, mis toimub 24.-25. novembril 2022 Tartu Ülikooli raamatukogus.
06. October 2022 studies
New academic year of the University of Tartu starts with a student demonstration
On Monday, the opening ceremony of the 2022/2023 academic year takes place in front of the University of Tartu main building. Everyone is invited to rally in support of higher education funding.
24. August 2022 studies
Optional courses expand your horizon
Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers many interesting and stimulating optional courses which are open for all students of the University of Tartu.
22. June 2022 studies
Graduation ceremony for bachelor students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
2021/22 study year's graduation ceremony for bachelor students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Monday, 20 June at the Assembly Hall of the University of Tartu
18. April 2022 studiesabout the faculty
Graduation ceremony for master's students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
2021/22 study year's graduation ceremony for master's students of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities takes place on Thursday, 16 June at 12.00 at the Assembly Hall of the University of Tartu
19. April 2022 studiesabout the faculty
Help Ukrainian students continue their studies – make a donation to UT scholarship fund
The University of Tartu has established a scholarship fund to collect and channel donations to support the studies of Ukrainian students at the University of Tartu.
01. March 2022 studies
Info session: Study abroad with Erasmus+ programme!
You have been thinking about studying abroad, but need more information for making the decision?
07. February 2022 studies
Erasmus+ Europe application round for 2025/2026
Erasmus+ Europe gives you the opportunity to study as an exchange student at one of your academic unit's partner universities in Europe.
30. January 2023 studies