
Latvian researcher Agita Misāne discussed death perceptions

Latvian researcher Agita Misāne gave a lecture on the perception of death and imagined afterlife in Latvian traditional and contemporary religious cultures.

Misāne, who is a Leading Researcher at the Faculty of Communications at Riga Stradiņš University, presented her lecture which was organized by the Estonian Society for the Study of Religions in cooperation with the University of Tartu Institute of Cultural Research and the School of Theology and Religious Studies.

Misāne's lecture was based on the findings of the Latvian Research Council funded project "Memento Mori: The End of Life, Death and Imagined Afterlife in the Contemporary Latvian Lifeworld.“ She referred to archival data as well as quantitative and qualitative sociological analyses. The lecture primarily focused on how traditional beliefs were reflected in the opinions represented in religious and secular segments of Latvian society.

Misāne also touched upon issues such as preparation for death, what was considered "a good death," and attitudes towards euthanasia, suicide, and organ donation. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of Latvian cultural attitudes towards death and the afterlife, both past and present.

The lecture is available for viewing on Youtube channel of the School of Theology and Religious Studies of Tartu University.


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