History and the present of religiosity

Beliefs and religions have innumerable forms of expression. Religious history deals with the religious manifestations of the past, including, for example, Asian religions in both texts and practices. Contemporary religious phenomena are studied from the perspective of the psychology of religion, the sociology of religion, or the anthropology of religion. Under the microscope are the beliefs of the ancient Chinese as well as modern esoterics. The methods of the study of faith, the philosophical and semiotic face of religiosity, and even non-belief cannot escape the steel gaze of scholars. Religious pedagogy examines the conduct of religious education and religious education in different contexts.

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Research Projects

The research at the School of Theology and Religious Studies of the University of Tartu covers multiple fields associated with religion, from classical theological subjects to interdisciplinary research projects.

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Contemporary Religious Trends

University of Tartu Asia Centre

The Asia Centre of the University of Tartu is a consortium of shared knowledge of Asia and the Middle East driven by trends in global society. The Asia Center mediates knowledge about Asia and the Middle East politics, economics, law, society and culture, brings together scientists and experts of various fields and disciplines through participation in international networks with the aim to mediate and influence national policies through research and study-related projects.

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