Religious authority and political cleavage: Sebastian Rimestad lectures on Christian Orthodoxy in Europe and the USA


On February 14 and 19, everyone is welcome to attend public lectures by Sebastian Rimestad from the University of Leipzig. He will explore topics such as Orthodox Christianity and religious authority in Western Europe, as well as the "Ortho-Bros" movement and political cleavage in the USA.

"Orthodox Christianity and Religious Authority. The Case of Western Europe", 14 February, 10:15 at Ülikooli 18-230

"Ortho-Bros and the Political Cleavage in the USA", 19 February 2025, 16:15 at Lossi 36-214

Sebastian Rimestad studied political science international relations, and religious studies in Aberdeen, Tartu, and Erfurt. His PhD-dissertation covered the Orthodox Church in the first Estonian and Latvian republics (1917-1940) and his second book was about religious authority among Orthodox Christians in Western Europe. Since 2021, he has a grant from the German Research Foundation (DFG – Heisenberg), working for the Institute for the Study of Religion at Leipzig University (Germany). His research topics are religion in modern societies, contemporary Orthodox Christianity, religious conversion, as well as religious pluralism in North-East Europe.

Sebastian Rimestad I

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