21. juunil kell 14.00 kaitseb Baburam Saikia folkloristika erialal doktoritööd „Contradictions in(side) the tradition: lived religion, ritual and change with reference to Majuli sattras“.
Exhibition “The Layout of the Holy Clementine” by Jaanus Eensalu, an artist and lecturer at the Pallas College of Art, will be open for guests in the Philosophicum Hall Gallery from 29 April.
On Thursday, April 14, Catherine Gibson, a Research Fellow in Church History, will give an online public lecture "Carthography of the religious landscape of the Baltic".
On Thursday 7 April, from 14:00-15:30, Prof Peter Gatrell will give an online talk to the University of Tartu community on the history of refugees in twentieth-century Europe.
Kaspar Koolmeister, Junior Research Fellow in Plant Biology at the University of Tartu, took a photo in honour of the 104th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.
The Digital Cleanup Week takes place at the university this week and all members of the university are invited to declutter their personal or their unit’s digital life to move in small but effective steps towards a greener university.