Anu Põldsam

Lea Altnurme was added to AcademiaNet portal

The Estonian Research Council submitted the names of 65 Estonian researchers for inclusion in the AcademiaNet portal for successful women researchers. Among other researchers, Lea Altnurme, associate professor of sociology of religion at the School of Theology and Religious Studies, was added to the portal this year.

The portal aims to highlight successful women researchers and increase their international recognition. In addition, the portal is a good tool for researchers and research institutions to find experts, speakers, academics, and project partners.

Lea Altnurme

In 2006 Lea Altnurme defended in UT her doctoral dissertation, which analysed the changes that took place in the religiosity of Estonians in the second half of the 20th century. Her research interests focus on the religiosity of Estonians in history and today, and on religious trends in the western cultural space in the 21st century. Currently she is a principal investigator in the project "Religious Toleration and Peace" (MVHUS18050R).

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