Topic: for society

Doctoral defence: Indrek Linnuste "Exploring the Possibility of Integrating Spirituality into Health Care and Rehabilitation System"
On 24 March at 8:15 Indrek Linnuste will defend his doctoral thesis "Exploring the Possibility of Integrating Spirituality into Health Care and Rehabilitation System" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Religous Studies).
03. March 2025 researchfor society
Religious authority and political cleavage: Sebastian Rimestad lectures on Christian Orthodoxy in Europe and the USA
On February 14 and 19, everyone is welcome to attend public lectures by Sebastian Rimestad from the University of Leipzig. He will explore topics such as Orthodox Christianity and religious authority in Western Europe, as well as the "Ortho-Bros" movement and political cleavage in the USA.
Public lecture by Sebastian Rimestad: Ortho-Bros and the Political Cleavage in the USA
On February 14 and 19, everyone is welcome to attend public lectures by Sebastian Rimestad from the University of Leipzig. He will explore topics such as Orthodox Christianity and religious authority in Western Europe, as well as the "Ortho-Bros" movement and political cleavage in the USA.
Public lecture by Sebastian Rimestad: Orthodox Christianity and Religious Authority. The Case of Western Europe
On February 14 and 19, everyone is welcome to attend public lectures by Sebastian Rimestad from the University of Leipzig. He will explore topics such as Orthodox Christianity and religious authority in Western Europe, as well as the "Ortho-Bros" movement and political cleavage in the USA.
Recording: Ceremony and concert marking the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
On 21 February at 14, university members were invited to the ceremony and concert dedicated to the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia in the university’s assembly hall.
Ruth Rebecca Tietjen will give a talk on existential, social and political loneliness
Department of Philosophy and the Centre for Ethics cordially invite you on Monday, 25 November at 16:15, Jakobi 2-336 to attend a talk by Dr. Ruth Rebecca Tietjen “Variations on loneliness: existential, social, political”. Dr. Tietjen is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy at Tilburg University and Pof. Dr. Theda Rehbock’s Philosophy Resident at Susimetsa Philosophicum.
Watch on YouTube: Performative and Interpretive Genres in Contemporary Piety Communities - Paulson Lectures in the Study of Religion
Paulson Lectures in the Study of Religion lectures were held by Catharina Raudvere on November.
Doctoral defence: Indrek Pekko "Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1991–2015 – Changes, Identity and Theological Orientation"
On 11 November at 16:15 Indrek Pekko will defend his doctoral thesis "Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church in 1991–2015 – Changes, Identity and Theological Orientation" for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Theology).
07. October 2024 researchfor society
Come and listen! Doctoral students give inspiring short lectures to present the latest research
The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
25. September 2024 for studentresearchfor society
New volunteers welcome to make camouflage nets for Ukraine
At the University of Tartu, the weaving of camouflage nets and the making of helmet covers for the Ukrainian armed forces continues.
17. September 2024 for society