Tartu Ülikool

Three doctoral theses were defended in the fall semester at the School of Theology and Religious Studies

Doctoral students Helle Kaasik, Hedi Vilumaa defended their doctoral theses in the field of religious studies. Ahenkora Siaw Kwakye defended his doctoral in the field of theology.

Helle Kaasik's doctoral thesis „Sacred medicine from the forest: chemical, psychological and spiritual aspects of ayahuasca studies use of psychedelic plant brew ayahuasca.

  • See the defence in UTTV.

Hedi Vilumaa analyses in her dissertation "Open Communion of the Word and Eucharist. Admission of baptized children and young people to Holy Communion: Contexts and Conceptions in Estonian Lutheran Church 1917– 2005"  the ecclesiological and church historical context and the context of youth work of the admission from the point of view of open communion of the word and the sacrament.

  • See the defence it UTTV.

In his doctoral thesis „Transcendence, as a Theme in Theology and TechnologyAhenkora Siaw Kwakye explores the meaning of transcendence in religion/theology and science/technology.

  • See the defence it UTTV.

ESITIS konverents

ESITIS 2024 - keynote speakers' presentations are now available on YouTube!

Doctoral defence: Üllas Linder "Adam Reinhold Schiewe. Biography of the Founder of the First Estonian Baptist Congregation"

10. juunil kell 16.15 kaitseb Üllas Linder religiooniuuringute erialal doktoritööd „Adam Reinhold Schiewe. Esimese Eesti baptistikoguduse rajaja elulugu“.
Kadri Voorand

Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu